July 3, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Is night fishing allowed?
Night fishing is reserved for members only.

How do I become a member?
Initially, it is best to buy day tickets first. This will give you the experience to decide whether membership of SBAC is a good idea for you or not. If you decide you want to pursue your application then initially all you need do is fill out the contact form on this site.

How much is it to join?
Subscriptions are subject to change but at the time of writing (July 2024) it is £220 for the first year (£110 joining fee & £110 membership fee) and £110 thereafter (which is inclusive of a 3-course meal and wine at the AGM). If you are interested in becoming a member then please use our contact form for initial enquiry and advice on prevailing membership subscriptions and conditions etc.

Can non-members fish?
Yes absolutely. Day and evening tickets are very reasonably priced and we recommend that anybody thinking of becoming a member is well advised to buy day tickets first to see if membership really is for them.

How do I get a day ticket?
Day tickets are available from the club. Use the contact form for this purpose.

Is spinning allowed?
Only members are allowed to spin and this is regardless of water clarity.

Can I camp by the beck?

How many grayling get caught?
It varies, some members catch them regularly others never at all. But when they do get caught they are generally a good size.

Are the brown trout stocked?
Yes they are, but there is also an indigenous population.

When do the sea trout run?
Whenever the river is in spate. This usually occurs after a couple of days of heavy rain.

Do they only run when the river is in spate?
Generally yes but sometimes after a high tide they will venture into the first few pools before returning to sea.

How do I know when the water levels are right for fishing?
That’s a difficult one, water levels can change by the hour. You can never really know for sure without being at the bankside.

When is the best time to catch sea trout?
Usually September / October but they have been caught as early as April. As mentioned previously though they will run anytime the river is in spate.

What is the biggest sea trout ever taken at the beck?
Around 15lb.

Do salmon run the beck?
Not in any numbers. There have been a handful caught over a 100+ year period.

Are there any female members?
Yes we welcomed our first one in 2008.

Is fishing the beck safe?
The beck is a wild place and banks can be high and challenging in parts. Certain areas of it can require wading on an uneven bottom. Wading can be dangerous when the beck is in spate. Parts of the beck are quite remote and a mobile phone signal may be unobtainable.

We would however always recommend fishing with health and safety issues in mind. Sensible precautions may include: telling somebody where you are going and how long you intend to fish for (or better still fish in pairs). It is always wise to ask before, or at the time you buy the ticket about any health and safety concerns you may have (eg. which areas of the beck are more (or less) accessible, water conditions etc). Also always wear the correct clothing and have the right equipment (wading staff, waders with soles adequate for the conditions etc.).